By Polo Munoz, Managing Editor/Publisher
There are very few shows that I watch religiously, some of them are too embarrassing to reveal others are just smart, fun and a great time. “Grimm” is just one of those TV shows that had me hooked from the beginning. The stories are complex and diverse. From “La Llorona” to other tales that are standards and recognizable and silly, the “La Chupacabra” episode was one silly tale. There of course are the standards as the other German fairy tales of the Grimm Brothers that are part of US educational lore, all of the 4 seasons so far have been great fun.
As “Grimm” launched its new season on Halloween Night, I look forward to catching it on my computer the next morning, its where I watch all of my content, not yet transitioned to my mobile phone, we’ll see about that.
So enjoy the magic of the show. The hint and threat of the coming war between the visons and those protecting the humans is here. There is no more waiting. The birth of a Grimm’s son with a witch, is a new story whose developments I am looking forward to and the war is coming!!