By Hipolito Munoz, Managing Editor
So Donald Trump gets to dig in. Well, let’s see, that is his right to demonstrate how business is not as important to someone with financial means as their ideology. Trump has now become the face of the people that are trying to make sure that the United States that they love and crave, stays as it is. This is no different in any other society where the change comes without a net for those that have never needed one. They want to make sure they are heard and if necessary they will intimidate their way to the power. Let’s be very clear, President Obama has shown us that there is a tremendous amount of power in the White House.
The lesson will be evident after the elections. We will then see if the political power of the Latino community matches its economic power. With a buying power of over 1.5 Trillion dollars in the United States, what does that mean when it comes to politics? Most of the Latino immigrants or their parents (immigrants from Latin America) come from countries where the political establishment is corrupt and cruel. Assassinations, coups and violence against their citizens are a daily occurrence in many of their countries of origin. So their lack of appearance in the voting booth is a result in part of the conditions they left. Unlike the speculations that “Mr. Trompas” is flinging around, they came here to work for their families. To make sure they provide and create opportunities for them and their kin, politics is just not a priority, because they don’t trust the people that enter into politics.
If the Latino community awakens politically, by actually voting for the promise of their new or native home, there will be ramifications throughout the government ranks as we have not seen before. There is an awakening of defiance that can drive this momentous opportunity to action.
If the political power of this community is not felt at the end of this presidential electoral cycle, the folks that are magnifying the GOP’s anti-immigrant focus, will learn that Latinos are a good place to make money and a safe community to vilify.