Author: Hipolito

What Happened to: “there but for the grace of God, go I.”

By Polo Munoz, Managing Editor/Publisher Its easy to fall pray to people who come out of the woodwork when an individual is in need, it is the most effective time for opportunists to insert their brand of generosity. Paulo Freire, the Brazilian educator warned people against what he called “False Generosity.” Generosity offered where the main focus is to maintaining the status quo and also deepening the oppressive ties that some of these “patrons” want to strengthen. Authentic generosity comes with no strings attached, the support is focused on the well-being of the person who is being gifted the...

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We Are in the Cusp of Space Travel and Our Extinction

By Polo Munoz, Managing Editor/Publisher We are in the cusp of space travel; we are testing spaceships that can support our human limitations. We believe of our capacity to conquer and to explore, yet we are deliberately creating a situation that will threaten our survival as a species in this planet. We are much more vulnerable to extinction than we believe we are. There are viruses and bacteria that are evolving much more rapidly than our ability to discover or create new cures. Our bodies are only able to last around 120 years and according to some scientists the...

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Allegiance to the Nation or to the President?

by Hipolito Munoz, Managing Edtor/Publisher Opening an investigation into the allegations that the president may have committed a crime is exactly what the balance of powers is about. The most effective tool for oppression is fear. The opposite of love is not hate, its fear. It’s the continuous uncomfortable feeling to speak truths because some people are dangerous and will cause pain to the person and to their family. Silence is the disease that oppression creates. The current administration berates, attacks, mocks, dismisses and creates emergency situations so that people are consumed by what could be disastrous results to...

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Greta Thunberg – The Adult in the Room

By Polo Munoz, Managing Editor/Publisher Greta Thunberg has become the beacon of activism for youth. Although her focus is climate change, her message is much broader, act rather than talk. She acted on her integrity and her love for earth and her concern for a world that is being abandoned by a twisted mentality in current administrations all over the world. Fear has become the collective emotional tool used to intimidate people into paralysis and those that are most affected are the children. Sidelining science as a tool for preparation, repair and ultimately survival, is placing humanity on a...

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Hispanic Heritage Month 2019 – A Platform Not Just For Celebration And Appreciation

By Hpolito Munoz, Managing Editor/Publisher As we listen to folks who have been given a platform to spew hate, push vitriolic statements and ignore what Jesus actually professed and in many cases continue to create platforms for twisted minds to kill people and are excited to institutionalize a cruel process, we must act and not just discuss the nightmare that has been created by hate. If the current climate does not change, we will have more folks who desire to hurt others, find their target and feel vindicated to act on their desire to act on those ideas, including...

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